Achou o que estava preucurava.NÃO!!! Que tal pesquisar aqui.

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Olympics, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Most of the world olimpiadad.

A beautiful scene to mark the end of another Olympics,
China's Olympiad,
Beijing 2008,
Most of the world olimpiadad.

As the grand opening, the colors were very lively at the close, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Most of the world olimpiadad.
Chinese form an impressive torch in the center of the stadium, toxa human, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Most of the world.
Chinese make a more beautiful spectacle during the closing ceremony of the Games, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008.

It could not miss in the closing pyrotechnic spectacle, China's Olympiad, Beijing 2008, Most of the world olimpiadad.

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Achou o que estava preucurava.NÃO!!! Que tal pesquisar aqui.